A great time on uk chat on Thursday looking at marking and assessing work. Some good ideas and good discussions had.
It made me think about my marking. The ICT courses we teach are coursework intensive and a lot of my time is taken up with that rather than assessing learning. I am going to think about and reflect on ways to do more assessing learning and less marking.
I am a strong believer in peer assessment and it is something I use a lot to check against criteria based tasks. It does require training but I do find that it improves there own work as well as helping peers learn.
This week I am going to see how much marking I do compared to assessing learning and will post the results here.
It made me think about my marking. The ICT courses we teach are coursework intensive and a lot of my time is taken up with that rather than assessing learning. I am going to think about and reflect on ways to do more assessing learning and less marking.
I am a strong believer in peer assessment and it is something I use a lot to check against criteria based tasks. It does require training but I do find that it improves there own work as well as helping peers learn.
This week I am going to see how much marking I do compared to assessing learning and will post the results here.